Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Photography

Hi, everybody! How's the semester going?. Well, I must say this isn't my best photography, but I'm dating my brother.His name is Felipe, we look a lot alike, as you can see. 
He studied engineering in Bioprocesses, and because of life and work things, he went to work for a salmon company in Puerto Varas. We did not see each other for a year, until the summer of 2019 when I traveled to visit him. 

This photograph reminds me of that beautiful summer, when we toured around all the cities and towns surrounding Lake Llanquihue. I must say that all the towns are beautiful and have a typical character that makes them unique. 
The food from the south of Chile is very rich, I tried delicious cakes in Frutillar and some very good craft beers in Puerto Varas.

Unfortunately I can only see my brother once a year, usually in the summer, for work and study. But when the opportunity arises I make the most of it. 
At the beginning of this year, my brother changed his job, and now he lives in Cochrane, so I already have a place to vacation next summer!

See you in the next post!

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